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Bocassy Paris is a company settled with one goal only: to provide quality and care not only for its consumers; not only to satisfy the feeling, but consciousness too. Our ideas will always transcend the demand; it is much wider; it conjuncts ecology and charity, it conjuncts awareness on ingredients and that which is best for our body and our planet. It is our necessity to offer luxurious product and make it affordable to everyone.

The range and variety of products we develop and produce do and will depend only on this way of living: it will be determined by quality, ecology and morality.

In introducing BOCASSY skin care line, we have formed a group of experts in every field that touches cosmetics - from chemists, dermatologist and technicians to designers and marketing experts who are altogether formed and initiated under name of BOCASSY to take care of our clients and our products. Yes, we are a family and the family grows bigger by every passing day, by every product, by every person who has touched its parts to every person who uses it. We are all connected even if we never have met. Our company is not just a company; it is a family indeed. Our idea is not just ours; it is here for all to share.




To achieve the most efficient skin care we have an operational background in the field of science with many laboratories, practices and institutes worldwide to support this goal. This cooperation is based from the beginning and making of the products, which is idea, and goes all the way until it reaches the market. A professional and most of all independent support is a key to quality, is a key to fast problem-solving and fantastic solutions. Beginning with formulations, substances and its interactions with each other, finding best ratios, all through production of products and its quality control, thus in cooperation with dermatologists and doctors to support our clients is beyond doubt a promise of uncompromised quality and effect.

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